Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Reflections of You Reflections of Me

The thoughts in my head for this photo kept me awake for several nights.  Not in a bad way - rather in a very good way.  It was an important photograph for me to make.

I ordered prints of my girlfriends as part of the "cast" and had to wait for their arrival.  During that waiting period I had several different ideas run through my mind on how to put this together and do my "girls" justice.  The ideas shifted and changed while the main concept stayed the same.  That's part of what I enjoy most about a conceptually styled photograph.  You start with a seed but never really know what will eventually flower.

These women mean the world to me.
We're dear friends ~ we can talk about anything.
We disagree but still work through those disagreements with respect for each others opinions.
No silence for this group - we hash it out - sometimes quite rambunctiously!

The main concept started with the idea of seeing five reflections of my girlfriends.  All of these women I've "asked" to photograph.  I've found over time that asking to make a portrait of someone is a very personal thing.  You are asking them to give a piece of themselves to you.  You must always remember that their allowance of this is based on their trust for you, the photographer.  The confines of the photograph coincide with their comfort zone ~ end of discussion.  I've been asked to be photographed and have always felt like I could say yay or nay to the concept presented.  There will be times when it will have to be a collaboration.

This final image represents me looking at reflections of my girlfriends in a mirror.  Photos originally made in a way that allowed them to feel their beauty.   But the crux of the meaning is reflecting back on each of these women giving them that sense of how someone else views them when they look in "their" mirror.

So proud to call these women my friends for each and every piece of who they are.



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