Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Down On The Docks

I've learned so many things from this business.  One of the the things I've learned is how hard I am on myself.  I really enjoy shooting crew.  There is just something about it that I can't put my finger on - but I get excited when it's on the days' docket.  On this particular day though I was emotionally down.  Not a particular reason just something that comes now and then.  You get used to it and work through it.  I remember leaving the docks that afternoon feeling like I didn't do as good a job as I could have.   A few days later as I'm editing photos from this shoot I realize that all is good.  I'm proud of how I shoot and what I shoot.  I like that I'm hard on myself.  It's not about striving for absolute excellence ~ is there even such a thing?~  rather I will always strive for the best that I can do.  At the end of the day I will stand behind my work with pride and continue that drive to improve.




  1. Creative people learn to go with the flow. Smiling every day can be boring. Female bodies have curves that match their moods - up, down and all around. Good work, Karen. Love the redheaded girl and her dog and the reflection on the sunglasses shot.

  2. Creative people learn to go with the flow. Smiling every day can be boring. Female bodies have curves that match their moods - up, down and all around. Good work, Karen. Love the redheaded girl and her dog and the reflection on the sunglasses shot.
