Monday, June 29, 2015

Absolutely Sums it Up

A note from a friend bringing up the "loneliness" of being a photographer traveling alone.  My response was "yes" but also "no"

There are so many times when you have to place yourself out of the crowd as a photographer to get the images you feel in your heart.   This photo just jumped out at me while taking an early morning walk in Maine before heading to photograph a wedding.

It puts it in perspective perfectly to my eye.  Although I may have to step back from the group I'm still connected.  Through the lens I'm able to share more intimate moments with people than sometimes the actual people in the crowd do.

For instance meeting the father of the brides family as they arrive mid afternoon for their nieces wedding.  I could see through the lens that they were a fun bunch like their brother - who I've known for years.

My place was set with them through dinner and I felt like an old friend.  We laughed and cracked lobsters and had an absolutely lovely meal together.  The only part of "loneliness" I feel is the fact that I do work alone.  But it ends there - every time I shoot it feels like I make new friends along the way.  Loneliness is a state of mind - not something I intend on entertaining.



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