Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A little "sigh" of Spring...

...better get out and enjoy it!

....because it appears we will need to get through the April Fools joke that is heading our way on Friday.... and then perhaps we will be able to advance to the next season.



Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Skiing at its Best

Spring skiing brings with it thoughts of bright blue skies and warm temperatures.

Well we got the bright blues but mother nature was stingy with the temps and she was blowin' spring out the window.

When high winds come up only surface lifts run. The T bar brings you "half way" up the course.

That means you hike the other half to the start gate.

....a bit of my day with some wonderful,
young adults who I've come to admire
greatly over the years.



Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011


get happy....
(those of you who grew up in the 70's will get it...maybe)
it made "me" smile



Thursday, March 17, 2011

Books...Pajamas...Storytime... followed by Milk & Cookies

....add children and you have a lot of fun at Holy Trinity School.

For a slideshow of the evening
go to



Friday, March 11, 2011

GSC Slideshow

A fun slideshow put together as a

celebration of the 2010/2011 ski season at Gunstock Ski Club.



Friday, March 4, 2011

Klaus' Midget Slalom Race.... in it's 25th year!

A race for the youngest of alpine skiers. Taking on the challenge of negotiating the slalom course,gates that they could easily ski right through the middle of !
And after a fun day on the slopes comes the best part...
...and of course showing Coach Klaus some love and appreciation ...along with their collective hardware!



Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Great Cardboard Sled DerbyI

I absolutely enjoy shooting the annual Gilford Parks and Recreation Cardboard Sled Derby.
It's just good old fashioned fun for the kids that partake during their winter vacation week.

I find there is quite a bit of creativity involved with cardboard, paint and duct tape.

Over the past few years I've also noticed that there is quite a bit of "sizing up" of the competition.

Don't know about you .... but I would say the
gentlemen are thinkin' they're hosed! :)