Monday, February 11, 2019

Settling In.... BANFF Alberta, Canada

Before a  trip we'll investigate a destination.  
Have an idea of what to expect upon arrival.  
A place to stay,  a general plan....
with some wiggle room.

I had traveled to Lake Louise and Banff during my Penny Pitou Travel days.  It was a "work" trip with only a short stop in each location.  I knew it was a destination that Jim would enjoy; we wanted to go back together.  This combined with some logistics and we were on our way to Calgary Alberta, Canada.

Our ski trips are "ski trips"  We enjoy exploring new areas and find the slopes points west much to our liking.  Exercise, fresh air and some time together unplugged from our work combines perfectly with the excitement of a new destination.

The people of Alberta Canada are some of the friendliest folks I've ever met.  I remember this from my last visit and gladly nothing has changed.  

The sun rising slowly over the mountain on first run up the gondola 
Aptly named "Top of the World" lift with the sun cresting from behind the mountain
While skiing you can't help but gaze up at the range surrounding us 
A wide slope with a few fellow skiers and riders dotting the landscape
Breathing it in from the bottom the top
you couldn't help but appreciate the grandeur and take pause
 Clouds would come and go leaving blue sky vistas from every angle
 until the end of the day 
 ... the touch of alpenglow finishes things off beautifully

 ....on to the next day!
Sunshine Village at Banff



1 comment:

  1. Very nice Karen. One of the places on my bucket list!
